. . The last words spoken by Christ to his followers are as follows. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” . Better known as the Great Commission, this command is for all believers, young and old alike. If it truly is for all believers, shouldn’t we teach the kids in our ministries what it means to fulfill the Great Commission? Shouldn’t we give kids opportunities to practice ministry so they can be a part of the Great Commission as well as learn how to live a life of ministry? Unfortunately, most ministries dedicate little time to teaching the Great Commission. Most ministries offer very basic outreach opportunities that do little to nothing to teach kids what it means to life a life of ministry. . Most would be surprised by what a kid can do. Kids are willing and able to do almost anything and they often do so enthusiastically. So, if you’re looking for ways to engage your kids in ministry, you’ve come to the right spot. CMO:GO is an epicenter of ideas for service projects, thoughts about outreach, step by step guides for taking kids on mission trips (both local and foreign) and so much more. Don’t reinvent the wheel, but lean on the experience and creativity of others who’ve already done it. Got ideas of your own? Submit it here for others to benefit! . Click on the links to the right to explore CMO:GO! . Got an idea you’d like to share. Click here to submit your idea to CMO:GO. |
. . It’s not easy to pack up the kids in your ministry and take them across national boarders, neither is it always practical. Don’t worry, the world Jesus commanded us to GO into is all around us. It begins with our neighbors and those who share our own zip code. Click here to see a collection of ideas surrounding local missions initiatives. .. Are you ready for the ultimate experience? Taking kids beyond their boarders is a risky but powerfully rewarding opportunity. What better way to teach a child the significance of the Great Commission than to put them in the shoes of a missionary. It’s in these trips where kids experience their faith like never before as God works through them to touch the world. Click here for more ideas on for foreign experiences. . . Well, you don’t always have to reinvent the wheel. Many great resources already exist and more are being developed every day. Click here for some great ideas and resoruces to help your kids GO! . |
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