On my road trip last week to DFW, I got to spend about two hours meeting with Reagan Hillier. He was nice enough to treat me to a Starbucks. It’s actually very interesting that we’ve never met before. He attended Cross Timbers in Argyle, TX (where I used to work) up until right before I got there when he moved down to Austin. Once I relocated to Austin, he moved back to Argyle and began attending Cross Timbers again.
I know that I enjoyed a rich and encouraging conversation with Reagan about ministry, decor and a variety of random ideas. Oh, we also spent a significant amount of time talking about our shared love for hamburgers. How great is that?
Reagan is definitely passionate about creating killer environments for churches. However, he really sees himself as someone who wants to serve churches whether you’re doing a half million dollar remodel, a $5000 overhaul to a hallway or even scraping together a few hundred bucks to repaint a room. He’s got resources that you can use to make your space look better, even if you have little to no budget to do so. This really floored me. You see, I’ve never worked at a church that would be willing to drop the kind of money on a full fledged make-over. There are a handful of Kidmin environment companies that I would never have even considered approaching unless I was going to spend $50,000 or more. A few years ago I knew that $10,000 was the price tag to even have someone come out, take pictures and make some sketches. What really excited me when talking to Reagan was that his company, Worlds of Wow, might be able to help me even if all I can focus on right now is one space or if I had a limited budget.
So, maybe you feel like you’re in that position. You know you’re not going to be able to spend 20 or 30 thousand, but you might have 5 or 10. You might want to contact Worlds of Wow to see how they might be able to help, regardless of the scope of your ideas.
I love th picture you show in this post. I think an indoor play area like this could be a helpful ministry tool for churches that want to do special needs inclusion. Oftentimes children need a good alternate activity when they become over stimulated in an environment – and providing an area like this for a child and their buddy to “retreat” to could be very useful.