Recently I’ve posted in in various forms/blogs about my Wednesday night experiences. I created an elective based program in my early years of ministry… which it just about killed this idealist. Several years later (and hopefully a little smarter) I began creating a new small group curriculum. I just finished my first year (of three) which includes separate material for K-2nd grade as well as 3rd-5th grade. It’s written specifically to cover the basics of our Christian faith as well as link kids in small groups. We’ve had great success with this program over the past year and have actually had to maintain a waiting list. I’ll write more about how third curriculum was developed and what it will cover these next two years in a future post.
I spent several hours tonight gathering all the materials I still had that went along with the elective based program and have posted them here. Hopefully there is something here that might help someone who is developing something like this. No need to reinvent the wheel here; however, I know how your minds work… why do you think I’m writing my own! Ha! Also attached to this page are the leader guides for both the K-2nd grade and 3rd-5th grade Spring 2007 Small Groups for Kids Books. Feel free to take a look and let me know what you think. I’ve got a lot of edits to make, but my hope is to have it reviewed by my peers and then made available to anyone who would like to use it.
I’ve actually got a really, really cool idea that has been keeping me up at night that I plan to incorporate with my Small Groups curriculum in the Fall. Sorry, I’m not telling yet. You’ll find out soon enough.
BTW, I’ll be writing a follow up to my “Reinventing VBS” post later today concerning VBS Philosophy. Stay tuned…
I’m looking for a small group curriculum for exactly those age groups. I couldn’t find any link to what you were describing. Where did I miss it?
I will take a look into your curriculum! I am also starting an electives based midweek program. I was thinking of having it be 45 min of the elective and 45 min of small groups/snacks and small group worship. How exactly do you format yours? I was thinking of not doing a large group assembly, maybe instead I would do it once a month. But is 45 minutes too much time for the elective and small groups? Will my leaders be banging their heads trying to fill time, or will it be good, because they will have the time to fill? So many questions… LOL!
I would love more information on your elective-based program. The links above don’t seem to work.