Baby Dedication Songs

Music is a very important part of your Baby Dedication Ceremony. The right songs will create a meaningful environment for this experience. Recognize the various ways you will utilize music in your dedication service and build the appropriate playlists.

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Baby Dedication Message

Although a Baby Dedication ceremony will look different depending on your church and your unique ministry environment, the message or sermon has remained the same. This post includes a practical outline for building a beautiful message for your next Baby Dedication!

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Baby Dedication Ceremony

The Baby Dedication ceremony is an important milestone for many families who want to prioritize faith in the developmental and spiritual journey of their children. However, Baby Dedications can take on a variety of formats. This posts outlines FIVE possible formats for dedicating kids. to the Lord!

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For nearly a decade, thousands of practical, inspiring and insightful articles have been written to help those in kidmin. Click the button to the right to begin reading or choose from one of the six article categories below.


Nothing will define your ministry more than your ability to lead.


There is nothing new under the sun… but have you tried this yet?


The heart and soul of any ministry are the people who make it happen every week.


God’s master-plan for world evangelism and discipleship start with mom and dad.


I know an app that will change everything for you.


You’ll never believe what I’ve been thinking lately.