A few weeks ago I was contacted by the Children’s Ministry Academy to do an interview about Children’s Ministry. Before that day, I’d never heard of this resource. The concept of an online educational resource isn’t exactly unique, but I really can’t think of anyone else doing it in this capacity. Honestly, I was intrigued. At first glance, I didn’t see this as something I needed, but something I might provide for new key volunteers or a resource I’d recommend to others just getting started in Children’s Ministry.
Here’s what I know. I completed my Masters in Education through an online environment. Although it was a different experience from what CMA offers, I’m a big supporter of leveraging technology to resource and equip people. That’s why I’ve been authoring this blog for the past 3+ years. One of my courses in my graduate work focused specifically on web-based distance education. For a class project, I created (a poorly designed) web site for kids to learn about baptism. Make no mistake, web-based education and training already is (and is growing) a significant method for today’s and tomorrow’s generations. I don’t know of any other options on the web filling this specific niche.
If you’ve been in ministry for a long time, a lot of the information covered in these modules may be more of a review. However, as a student you will have access to CMA’s continuing education material each month which consist of valuable resources and quality interviews of respected leaders in Children’s Ministry. I see the most value in providing this program for new staff or key volunteers/leaders. There are many great books about Children’s Ministry, but few that are comprehensive. Sending a staff member or volunteer through CMA will ensure they have a firm grasp on some of the most important basics of ministry. It’s a lot cheaper than a conference and at the very least, you’ll know what you’re getting. I’d recommend using CMA and supplementing with some of your own stuff (specific to your church and ministry) to make sure your ministry team is all on the same page.
Honestly, I see so much potential in CMA. Like I said before, this is the future in training and equipping and I think CMA is on to something. I believe it is worth your time to check it out and see if it is a fit for your church and ministry.
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