Confession: I’ve been in ministry for 15+ years, and I’ve never been a part of a ministry construction project or remodel. I’ve come to churches right after they’ve finished or left shortly before. However, it looks like I might get to take part in a ministry expansion and remodel in the coming years. This should be exciting.
I’m in the early phases of getting ideas to the architect. However, I had a quick question for the kidmin crowd… specifically for anyone who has gone through a construction project in the last several years.
I remember reading/studying years ago about square footage needs for children’s ministry. When it comes to educational space:
- You need 35 square feet for every child kindergarten and below
- You need 30 square feet for every elementary child
Does anyone know what to shoot for in a large group area? If I’m going to have a “theater” type space for 150 kids, what kind of square foot range to I need to supply?
Lastly, are the measurements I listed current? Are they just a rule of thumb? Are the minimums? Help me out here. In evaluating our current space, we’re finding that we’ve been crunching too many kids in our spaces and we hope to remedy all of this in our new addition.
I would be interested to hear what Bro Jim says since they finished their remodel at WOC. Did he give you any feedback?
Kenny, check your state for info on this. States have requirements for this (daycares, etc, fire code, etc) You are a wise man to consider. When we built- we thought of active space for kids in large group. You can always make a large space smaller. 🙂
We used the same ratios in construction of our new elementary building. Our architect designed the space based on those ratios, giving us a ‘recommended’ occupancy based on 35 sf per child. I later found that it is part of the building/fire code in Texas.
As I recall, the same ratio applies to our large group space. obviously when kids are sitting on the floor they don’t need 30 sf each, but the extra space on the edge is good. This also allows space for staging and aisles.
Hello Friend!
We can’t wait to see you again at Illuminate Nashville! Getting a whole new team together to come and see everyone!
I also Direct Friendship Kids Preschool and Childcare, which is considered a Registered Ministry here in Indiana and requirements for space per child is correct at 35 sq ft / kiddo. I don’t know if this is different where you live, but definitely call your State Rep to double check. The easiest route is to inquire with the State Fire Marshall’s office, or if you do have any non-religious service care going on, it is Dept of Homeland Security who inspects Preschools and Childcare facilities in Indy will cut through the red tape of State employees or people who don’t know what fire code is compared to childcare recommendations. Going to the Fire Marshall for occupancy and space is the safest route. You never want to estimate a number of kids you can serve only to find out you under-planned on occupancy space and can’t do it safely!The other recommendation is calling another church with the same amount of kids you are currently serving, and will be serving and see what their sq footage is, then how it actually feels to them when they have that many kids in the space. It’s so easy on a blue print to calculate what the best recommendations and estimates are, but there is no substitute for those personal testimonies about what works and what doesn’t. What numbers are you looking at as far as kids who need to fit in each space? I may have some people here with that kind of info at their finger tips!Have a blessed day! And we will all be praying for your upcoming expansion!
Thanks for the feedback everyone… this was incredibly helpful!!!
Does anyone know what a good ratio for a special needs ministry area should be?