Two Sunday’s ago was Gateway’s Survey Sunday. I remember seeing the results of our survey last year and there was some good information there. I thought some of you may be interested in what we ask our church once a year.
We’re always gathering information and stories, but this is one way we receive some concrete data and stories.
One question in particular that I’m interested in is the one highlighted in yellow in this section:
Results from this question will give us a better idea of what we’re dealing with in relation to parenting and spiritual training.
PLEASE tell me you’re going to share your results.
What a cool idea – is there a team that will now sort through the hundreds of surveys? What does this process look like?
Anthony Princes last blog post..Batting Last
Good question. I know that there are people inputting the data, I’m just not a part of that process. I have a friend who is helping and I’ve heard some of the funny comments already.
When we get results, I’ll post some of them here and try to share other parts of the process as well.
Yeah I’m really interested in the process. I absolutely loved my Data Interpretation/Applied Statistics class in college and I love surveys. About how many people fill out these surveys and how do you give them out?
Do you have a goal or percentage in mind of people that you would like to fill out the survey?
So many questions…
I really should have done more homework before putting this up, huh? After I get some results, I’ll try to share all the details of our survey strategy…. plus some of the results.