So, my team had an interesting idea for a video. We had been talking over the summer about how we continue to get the word out about volunteer opportunities. One day my team sat around and threw out all these ideas for a funny recruitment video. A few weeks later, they put this together. Tell me what you think. We’re pretty sure the opening scene is too long, but the second half is where things get pretty funny/cute. Any thoughts?
Volunteer Video
Technorati Tags: Recruiting video,volunteers
Funny stuffs.
Love the ending the best. And one day when a new mega church is using Trained Monkeys you are gonna feel so stupid because you thought of it first!
Loved it. I was always waiting to see some monkey though.
Very good Kenny. I would agree the first half is a bit long. Perhaps you could ad some B-roll footage when a suggestion is made. To make it a bit more cliche. When you say elderly show a really old person in a rocker, when you say monkeys roll to footage from a zoo or helper monkeys.
I really liked the second half the voice over was great the B-roll was great. The kid with a clipboard on his back to much loved it. If you livened up and shorted up the first half it would make the second half even better.
Great idea though Kenny good stuff. I love non-traditional ways to find the right volunteers.
I am writing to you from Montreal Quebec. I just viewed your video and I thought it was great!! We are looking for ideas to recruit volunteers and I think this would be a creative way to communicate the message to our congregation. Thank you for your creativity.