Recruiting Coaches

One of the most important components to a healthy and growing small group program is the coaching system. A small army of coaches to lead, inspire, train and equip small group leaders is simply essential. However, most churches don't really have them. Most don't know...

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Your Biggest Limitation

There's a dirty little secret to leading small groups for kids. It's a weakness. A limitation. A barrier that your groups will experience in time. Even if you don't see it, it's always there. Others will definitely see it, they just might not say anything because...

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Nothing will define your ministry more than your ability to lead.


There is nothing new under the sun… but have you tried this yet?


The heart and soul of any ministry are the people who make it happen every week.


God’s master-plan for world evangelism and discipleship start with mom and dad.


I know an app that will change everything for you.


You’ll never believe what I’ve been thinking lately.