Author: Kenny Conley

Case Study: Reinventing Baby Dedication

I’ve been hosting Baby Dedications for over 20 years. About 15 years ago, I really started re-inventing the traditional Baby Dedication experience. When I arrived at Mariners Chruch in December 2020, I set out to fully re-invent Baby Dedication as quickly as possible. This case study outlines how I built the best Baby Dedicaiton I’ve ever expereinced in just under 14 months.

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Awkward Baby Dedication Moments

In over 20 years of hosting 100+ Baby Dedications, mistakes were made. A few things didn’t go as planned and some moments were epic disasters. Let me tell you about three awkward Baby Dedication moments and how they helped me grow as a leader and minister to families. You’ll have your own moments, but hopefully you won’t have to share mine!

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The Preparation for Baby Dedication Class

Most churches offer Baby Dedications without a Preparation for Baby Dedication Class. If the Baby Dedication has the potential to be one of your church’s most important family ministry experiences, you really must consider implementing this essential class. A well-designed class will revolutionize your Baby Dedication Experience and impact just about every area of your Children’s Ministry.

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The Perfect Childrens Pastor

The perfect Children’s Pastor doesn’t exist. The perfect fit at one church could be a terrible fit at another. The “perfect” Children’s Pastor is a subjective idea. However, I would venture to say that there are some key qualities or ideals that set some apart from the crowd. Children’s Pastors who excel in these EIGHT QUALITIES are truly special.

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Baby Dedication Message

Although a Baby Dedication ceremony will look different depending on your church and your unique ministry environment, the message or sermon has remained the same. This post includes a practical outline for building a beautiful message for your next Baby Dedication!

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Baby Dedication Ceremony

The Baby Dedication ceremony is an important milestone for many families who want to prioritize faith in the developmental and spiritual journey of their children. However, Baby Dedications can take on a variety of formats. This posts outlines FIVE possible formats for dedicating kids. to the Lord!

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