How Baby Dedication Evolved in My Ministry

Baby Dedication has come a long way. It was 22 years ago when I hosted my very first Baby Dedication. It looked exactly like what every church did for Baby Dedication. However, it wasn’t until my journey to become a parent and my journey to help the church better partner with parents intersected that everything changed.

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The Preparation for Baby Dedication Class

Most churches offer Baby Dedications without a Preparation for Baby Dedication Class. If the Baby Dedication has the potential to be one of your church’s most important family ministry experiences, you really must consider implementing this essential class. A well-designed class will revolutionize your Baby Dedication Experience and impact just about every area of your Children’s Ministry.

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Why I Used to Hate Baby Dedication

For almost ten years, I hosted Baby Dedication exactly like everyone else in the Church world. It’s funny how things change when you have skin in the game. Once I became a parent, I was immediately disappointed in Baby Dedication, not because of what it was but because of what it could actually be for new parents.

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Baby Dedication Songs

Music is a very important part of your Baby Dedication Ceremony. The right songs will create a meaningful environment for this experience. Recognize the various ways you will utilize music in your dedication service and build the appropriate playlists.

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