Author: Kenny Conley

Wins are Better than Goals

Goals are important. Goals are critical. But wins are better. Without wins, you are less likely to achieve your goals. For instance, let’s say the sports team you play for has a goal of winning the national championship. What is necessary to achieve this goal? Winning every game. It’s multiple, incremental wins that lead to achieving goals. Without wins, goals don’t happen.

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Respect the Role You Are In

Anyone who leads in ministry understands the overwhelming nature of the weekly task list. Every week, there are errands to run, environments to prep, slides to design, resources to organize, people to call, and dozens of similar things screaming for your attention. The list NEVER stops demanding your time – its the nature of ministry. However, we need to think about your relationship to all the items on your task list. Did you know that your time spent working on your weekly task list actually DEVALUES the role God has placed you in? It’s true. You (and I) need to take another look at the things we do every week.

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Why We Need to RETHINK Family Ministry

I’ve been leading children’s and family ministry for nearly 25 years. However, when I think of family ministry, the first thing that comes to mind is often an unclear (and maybe unrealistic) picture of what family really is. Chances are, you see families the same way I do. I think we need to RETHINK how we IMAGINE the family. When we do, we’ll clarify what families in our ministry need most!

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