I had several “defining moments” at Orange 2011. One of them happened the day day before the conference began when I met up with Rob Bradbury for lunch. It was epic (I say that because that’s what it seems Aussies like to say). 🙂
Rob and I met 3 years ago at Orange 2008. The only reason I knew him was because his face was plastered on the cover of K magazine. Other than that, I had no idea who he was. I bumped into him a few times at the conference and he almost always made me laugh. He was so filled with joy.
Over the years I’ve read his blog and have seen and heard of things he’s done and things he’s been doing at Planetshakers church in Melbourne, Australia. From time to time he’d write a kind comment on a post. He contacted me a week before Orange and said, “let’s grab some lunch.”
I was honored to be the first person to ever take him to Chipotle. He was so excited… and I think he loved it. Actually, I think he was studying everything about his food so that he could go home, replicate it and even make improvements. Somewhere behind his passion for kids, he has a real passion for cooking.
Rob gave me the opportunity to speak about what we’re doing at my church and how we’re using the web and social media to change the world. I think it really blessed him and armed him with some new ideas for his church. Then it was Rob’s turn. He began to tell me about what God has been doing in his life recently and how God is giving him a platform to significantly impact kids around the world on every level: spiritually, physically, emotionally and relationally. So much of what he said impacted me such a profound level, I’m still trying to sort out and process what he shared. Rob and I have some unfinished business, but I’m just not sure what it is yet. My life is tremendously richer as a result of the 2-3 hours I spent with him and I look forward to seeing what will unfold in the coming years.
I’m not even sure how to describe all the Rob does. He’s been the Children’s Pastor at Planetshakers church in Melbourne for many years. He also leads the Kid Shaper conference, a powerful conference based out of Melbourne that has now expanded to Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Great Britain. He’s also doing some powerful and significant things in other areas of the world that would blow your mind. Check out his sites and if you get the chance to meet him or share a meal, don’t pass it up. Oh, you can check out his blog here as well as some great kidmin resources here.
I love Rob and all that he stands for in the Kidmin and church world.
I love hearing what Rob is up to around the world, I am one of his biggest fans! 🙂